
Vinyasa Krama Aligné , The flow of life


Journey to Upside down (A mindful approach to Inversons)

September 12 – 13 2015

Saturday 12:30 – 14:30, Sunday 16h – 18h

Vinyasa Yoga Aligné

Life is a flow, it always keeps flowing; there is no stop to it, until it reaches to its Full- Stop.

The flow is an essential element to our lives, such as flow of life force (the breath), flow of circulation, flowing consciousness, flow of vibrations, flowing mind waves, etc.

Vinyasa Krama Aligné: An alignment based vinyasa is the conscious placement of the mind, body and breath, in other words a moving meditation.

Join us In this mindful practice, we will explore the fusion of precision in asana and invigorating energy of vinyasa krama.
A creative blend of postures to re-align the consciousness to the space within and lightened the mind & body with a joyful flow practice.

Journey to Upside down (A mindful approach to Inversons)

Some of us inherits the tendency of running before learning to walk and approach the yoga with similar mindset ; which in some way is not a bad thing, its rather courageous to do more than do nothing.
Since yoga is all about finding balance, expanding the edges of our limits, and exploring the subtleties of our body within. The inversion like Shoulder-stand & Headstand are the razor sharp knife among yoga poses, as much they can contribute find our well-being (ease the circulation, overcoming fear, building confidence etc..) that much they can damage if done improperly (e.g. neck pain, shoulder pain, irritability etc..)

I humbly invite you to join me to experience the journey upside down, we will gradually uplift ourselves and look within from an alternate perspective, explore potentials whilst avoiding the injuries.

By deepening our understanding, our yoga practice will start to enhance our overall well-being.



Earth Yoga Centre

Palma De Mallorca, Spain